Saturday, January 12, 2013

Respect the 26.2

Today I started at 6am for my long run. I headed down to Hines Park because I haven't ran down there in a while and thought it would be nice to get back there again. It was dark and I had my water and headlight so I can see. The weather was nice but there were patches of fog. As I ran thru each patch of fog, I noticed the air to become very warm. I never knew the patches of fog would be that much warmer.
Anyways, I was running and noticed another headlight coming my way and a man was getting in his early miles as was I. Then a couple miles later I saw a couple of women and we both exchanged a courteous good morning to each other. At that point I was wanting to turn around but I didn't want to make it seem I was turning around for them or anything so I ran down about a half mile further and them decided to turn around. So they were a little ways ahead if me and I was just listening to my music and taking it nice and slow because it was my first long run with a decent amount of miles and I've been having some pain in my hip and shins so I didn't want to push it too much.
I finally caught up with the two women and said good morning again and they asked how many I was running. I told them about 8 miles today and they said they were doing 12. So we started talking and exchanging some funny stories. These ladies were pretty hilarious. They made my remaining few miles seem to go by with ease. They asked if I was training for anything and I said my first marathon and they asked if it was the Martian and I said yes. Then one lady said she ran 18 marathons but her friend said she had no willingness to run a marathon and likes her half marathons. Some good advice I was given today is to respect the 26.3. She said out in your miles and you will be okay.
So I started thinking about that during the day. Respect the 26.2. Yes I keep telling myself to follow the schedule and to put in my miles because I want to conquer my first marathon. But them I was looking at it slightly different. Respect the 26.2. Keep putting in the miles and the 26.2 will take care of you and you can finish the marathon. Don't go into this thinking I can run the 26.2 because I want to or because I feel I deserve it. Put in the hard work and dedication and I will be able to cross the finish line with knowing I put in the work and effort to make this happen.
Today's run was a great run. Thank you Tish and Wendy for letting me run with you for a few miles and making the remainder of my run that much easier.

Remember, respect the 26.2 and it will happen!!

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