Thursday, January 10, 2013

Getting ready for the Saturday long run

The past couple of day's, I've put in 5 miles each day.  Now today I will run 2 miles with try and increase my speed for these two miles.  Then tomorrow is my rest day and preparing for my long run on Saturday.  I am planning on running 10-11 miles on Saturday and a little nervous because I haven't ran that long in a few months.  I've mostly been doing the 4-6 mile runs. 

This week my runs have started to become easier.  I did take some time off during the holidays (actually probably too much time along with too many Christmas cookies), so when I started my running I knew it would take a little while to get back into it and feel good on my runs, but I'm almost there I think. 

Now the test for me will be a long run with some decent mileage.  I figured I will just take it nice and easy and just make sure I get in miles in and length of time running.  My legs need to get used to running for long periods of time again because now my long runs are starting to increase pretty fast and the marathon is only a 3 short months away.  I start thinking about the marathon and get a sense of nervousness that I won't be ready. 

Can you really FEEL ready for your first marathon?  Even if you do the training and eat right and do everything you can to prepare yourself, when you walk up to the corral or starting line, do you question if you've trained enough or prepared yourself enough to make sure you can run the 26.2 miles and finish strong.  Right now, I keep thinking about how I want to finish the marathon and crossing the finish line.  The picture I envision for finishing is I'm runninig strong and with a smile on my face waving to my family and friends.  Now in reality, I will probably have this look of death and too fatigued to even see if family and friends are there...hahahaha.  So all I can continue to do is train and follow my schedule and make sure I prepare as best as I can. 

Happy training everyone and may you finish each run with a smile (at least on the inside)!!


  1. I think I am getting a cold so I am only going to try a short run tomorrow. However after my trip - lets set up times to do long runs! I will get the Facebook group page up and running.

    1. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. There seems to be a lot of that going around right now. When is your trip and where too? I'm in for the long runs.
